How Diet and Exercise Can Protect Your Hearing

Robert W. Locke
4 min readJan 20, 2024


Hearing loss (AI generated image)

I never realized how important diet and exercise were for my hearing and general ear health. It was only when I started suffering from tinnitus symptoms with unbearable ringing and buzzing in my ears that I started to become aware of my ear health in general.

I want to share with you today what I have learned and practice (when I am a good boy!) Today, we’re diving into the link between what you eat, how you move, and the health of your ears.

Yes, you read that right — we’re talking about preventing hearing loss through a combination of a wholesome diet and regular exercise. So, grab a seat and let’s explore the ear-licious journey to better hearing!

Food for Thought: Nutrients for Healthy Ears

First things first, let’s talk about the munchies that can actually benefit your ears. We know that certain nutrients play a crucial role in maintaining optimal hearing health.

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and nuts, have been shown to reduce the risk of age-related hearing loss.

These healthy fats work their magic by improving blood flow to the inner ear, where those tiny hair cells responsible for hearing reside. Read this fascinating article from Johns Hopkins University on how the ear works.

Antioxidants, the superheroes of the food world, are also essential in the fight against hearing loss. I always try to load up on colorful fruits and veggies like berries, oranges, and spinach — they’re packed with antioxidants that help protect the delicate structures of the inner ear from free radical damage.

And let’s not forget magnesium, a mineral that acts as a natural defender of the auditory system. I eat three bananas a day! I am also a great fan of leafy greens, such as cabbage, kale and chard. Getting enough magnesium is essential for overall health and the recommended dose is about 350mg a day. There is no conclusive evience that it helps tinnitus but it is still an essential mineral.

I would also suggest adding in whole grains into your diet to ensure your magnesium levels are up to par.

Drink Wisely: Hydration and Hearing Protection

Drinking plenty of water is a song for your ears as well as a guideline for having beautiful skin!

Maintaining the fluid balance in the inner ear through proper hydration keeps those hair cells supple and prepared to hear every note of your favorite song.

Tinnitus symptoms

The inner ear should never become dehydrated as this article explains. To improve your hearing, keep that water bottle near at hand and sip.

Step to the Beat: Ear Training Activities

Let’s now shift our focus to the workout front. “How on earth can exercise benefit my ears?” is probably what’s on your mind.

Well, it’s more about improving your general cardiovascular health than it is about doing jumping jacks for your eardrums. The health of the small blood vessels of the inner ear depends on proper blood flow.

Walking, running, and cycling are examples of aerobic exercises that increase heart rate and blood flow, which helps your ears receive vital nutrients. Aim for 150 minutes or more of moderate-intensity exercise per week; your hearing and heart will both benefit from this.

Neck exercises can also be beneficial. Check out this article on how these movements can help reduce tinnitus.

Here is a video from Dr. Rowe who demonstrates just one exercise which may provide instant tinnitus relief:-

But there’s still more! Fans of tai chi and yoga should rejoice because these mind-body practices may also help safeguard your hearing. Your auditory system is not fond of stress, but these relaxing techniques can help lower stress levels and improve the health of your ears as a whole.

Protect Those Ears: Additional Tips

As long as we’re talking about safeguarding our ears, let’s not overlook how crucial it is to keep them safe in noisy settings. Invest in some earplugs whether you’re using power tools, attending a rock concert, or are in a busy metropolis. Long-term, the tiny investment may yield significant returns.

Naturally, pay attention to how you use headphones. Your hearing can be negatively impacted by prolonged high volume listening. Choose headphones with noise cancellation so you may listen to your music at a reduced volume and spare your ears from needless stress.

Conclusion: A Symphony of Self-Care

In conclusion, a healthy diet and consistent exercise are the perfect combination to prevent hearing loss. So here’s a toast to our ears — those unsung heroes that enable us to enjoy life’s melodies — while sipping on a glass of water, of course.

We may support lifelong hearing health by feeding our bodies foods that are good for our ears and exercising in ways that raise our heart rates. Keep in mind that building a self-care symphony that encompasses every aspect of our lives is more important than following the newest diet or exercise craze.

One mouthful at a time, and here’s to listening to the world around us with unwavering clarity! To your healthy ear adventure!



Robert W. Locke

Health & fitness, mental health, life lessons, humor & satire. Contact: colbor at yahoo dot com