My answer on Quora

October 1 2019

Hard to believe that I wrote this is 2016! Now more than 3 years on, the UK faces a lonely future. Can’t help thinking of the old joke, “The British never got over winning WWII!” I am also thinking of the remark an ex-friend made when he said that he was voting to leave as he was fed up with the UK being told what to do by the German Federation!

June 2016

We kept on getting text messages from friends in the UK and abroad (I live in Italy) who were really upset at the result. They had all voted to remain,of course, so I cannot tell you about the Brexiters — but we know all about them anyway!

The remain voters were saying the following things:-

  • gutted
  • disgusted
  • worried
  • gloomy
  • frustrated
  • indignant

One dear friend left a message on my answering machine so I heard her plaintive cry

What the f**ck have we done?

We had lots of chats about this and I think the most worrying thing is that the campaign (on both sides) was guilty of twisting the truth although the Brexiters concentrated on the immigration issue (actually most of the immigrants are not from the EU at all!)

What really upset the remain voters was that :-

  • David Cameron had used a very dangerous weapon (nuclear, I’d say) to fix up differences within his own party. Talk about cracking a nut with a sledgehammer and an own goal!
  • Increase in hate crimes against foreigners and immigrants has already increased by 57% compared to last week. That is disgusting!
  • The EU is bureaucratic in the extreme and its policy of austerity has ruined Greece, for example.But you do not leave the sinking ship — you try to save it or reform it! A united Europe can and will cater for its less well off citizens. The UK wants out and will take no part in that.



Robert W. Locke

Health & fitness, mental health, life lessons & satire. Check out my YouTube HealthyLife Tips Contact: colbor at yahoo dot com